Apple Paris Agreement

On June 1, 2017, President Donald Trump announced that the United States would withdraw from the Paris Agreement, a global pact aimed at mitigating the effects of climate change. The decision immediately drew criticism from environmentalists, political leaders, and corporations alike.

One corporation that immediately voiced its opposition to the decision was Apple Inc. In a statement released shortly after Trump’s announcement, the technology giant pledged to continue its efforts toward combatting climate change.

“Climate change is real and we all share a responsibility to fight it,” the statement read. “Apple’s commitment to the environment is unwavering, and we believe that global climate cooperation is essential to protect our planet for future generations.”

Apple has long been known for its emphasis on sustainability and environmental responsibility. The company has invested heavily in renewable energy sources, with 100% of its operations now powered by clean energy. Apple has also committed to reducing its carbon footprint and increasing energy efficiency in its products and operations.

Withdrawing from the Paris Agreement could have significant implications for Apple and its sustainability goals. The agreement, which was adopted in 2015 by 195 countries, aims to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius and to pursue efforts to limit the increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius. The agreement also includes provisions for regular reporting and review of global emissions reduction efforts.

Apple’s commitment to sustainability extends beyond its own operations. The company has also encouraged its suppliers to adopt sustainable practices and has set targets for reducing the carbon footprint of its supply chain.

In the wake of the Paris Agreement withdrawal, Apple has joined other corporations in pledging to continue its efforts toward combatting climate change. CEO Tim Cook has publicly supported the agreement, and the company has signed on to the “We Are Still In” campaign, which includes businesses, cities, and states that have committed to upholding the goals of the Paris Agreement.

Apple’s stance on climate change is not only driven by its commitment to environmental responsibility, but also by its business interests. The company relies heavily on a global supply chain, and disruptions caused by climate change could have significant impacts on its operations.

In addition, consumers are increasingly demanding that companies take action on climate change. A 2017 study by Nielsen found that 66% of consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable products, up from 55% in 2014.

As a company committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility, Apple’s opposition to the Paris Agreement withdrawal is not surprising. The decision to continue its efforts toward combatting climate change is not only a reflection of its values, but also of its business interests and the demands of its consumers.
